Spiritual Abundance at Laguna’s Merkababe

Laguna’s Merkababe Designs is your one-stop-shop for all things spiritual. Founded by Carly Tway, it grew out of her desire to share the magic of life through the healing power of crystals, artisan jewelry, sound baths and soul – all while making spiritual abundance feel practical and accessible to all. 

As Tway became more and more familiar with her own spiritual teachings, she felt she had stumbled upon magic. 

"As I was moving through tough times in my life, I always moved back to this work,” she says. “With Merkababe, I wanted to create a space that I, myself, needed growing up – a place to be seen, to be recognized, and to heal.”

She came to California with an "eye of wonder" and an appreciation of nature. She loves how majestic Laguna Beach is and how its essence can grow and change under pressure, similar to the crystals she has garnered so much inspiration, knowledge, and energy from. "They help us feel safe and held, like there is something bigger than us out there," she shares.

To share this with others, she sought to create the Merkababe space on 1031 S Coast Hwy for curious folks to experience healers, reiki practitioners, sound baths, intuitive readings, astrologers, and tools for self-discovery. She prides herself on helping people utilize their inner workings to find where their soul is guiding them towards. 

The work done at Merkababe is always unique to each person that walks in the door. "People come into the store and automatically feel a shift,” says the spiritual entrepreneur.

The main pillars of Merkababe are to make magical elements practical, tangible, and digestible. 

Tway’s passion started with crafting jewelry and creating an amulet that will allow those who wear it to set a constant intention. It reminds the wearer throughout the day of that mindfulness and energy. 

"With each design there is an element of magic and whimsy where anything is possible – but it also has this foundation of being practical and grounded. It makes the mystical less mystical and allows us to realize that these are just the way things are," Carly explains as she talks about guiding her customers to find deeper meaning and a deeper why within her artisan jewelry, crystals, and stones. 

Tway believes there is a constant approach to abundance and belief, and that we can achieve anything we set our minds to. 

"My dad gave me the book, ‘The Secret,’ when I was in 6th grade and that shaped my view of what was possible," Tway explains. She has since become devoted to creating abundance for herself and others.

An aspect of the business that is very close to her heart is her Goddess Alchemy Collection. Whenever she releases a new jewelry line, she throws a party and invites women to try the pieces for a period of time to see what they can bring into their lives. 

An example: 

When she wore one of her Goddess pieces over a year ago she found that it gave her the courage to take the risk to go for what was needed to open her brick-and-mortar.

She realized it was about something bigger than herself, and the energy pushed her out of her comfort zone to open the store and serve the Laguna Beach community. 

"The only person standing in the way of our dreams is us," she shares.

Tway believes in being in community together, living a ceremonious life, and bridging the gap between ancient and modern. She is constantly working on growing and self-development – this shining through the connections and business she has created. 

"I want to do everything I can to be EVEN 1% more intentional, devotional, and present THAN I WAS THE DAY BEFORE," says Tway.

Her team members are crucial to the business. There’s Chrissy who does intuitive energy healing, reiki, and clairvoyant messages which help people find a gateway to their inner knowing; Giulia, their resident astrologer who helps understand unique energy and destiny,  guiding people through thoughts and emotions; and Nicole, their Reiki Master, or, as Tway calls her, Merkababe’s “Epitome of Safety.”

Through all of these avenues, customers can truly heal, process, receive and nourish themselves.

Merkababe also hosts regular “Metaphysical Mixers,” which allow anyone to come and try out different sessions at a discounted rate to see what services speak to them. 

Tway believes in the power of conversation and resources to help guide people to where they need to go and knows that Laguna Beach plays a pivotal role in the energy of the Merkababe community. "Laguna has an open, eclectic, artistic sense that is a rarity – the community is really beautiful and they are tapped into this knowing that they can make it happen and that anything is possible,” she says. 

Spiritual Abundance at Laguna's Merkababe | Laguna Beach Living | Carly Tway

“Whether as healers or patrons, we get just as much out of every interaction with our community and feel honored to share this beautiful, balanced exchange of energy."

Merkababe will be celebrating their 1st anniversary this September and is located at 1031 S Coast Hwy, Laguna Beach. Visit MerkababeDesigns.com or follow for updates on mixers, new launches, and weekly happenings on Instagram at @merkababedesigns.


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