ROOTS Beauty x TerraCycle Team Up to Combat Plastic Pollution

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The beauty industry has a plastic packaging problem. Zero Waste Week reports that the global industry creates 120 billion units of packaging every year, most of which isn’t conventionally recyclable. 

ROOTS Beauty, a Laguna Beach based non-toxic cosmetic shop and organic salon has teamed up with TerraCycle, the world’s leader in the collection and repurposing of complex waste streams, to combat the beauty industry’s massive output of plastic products and packaging waste through the Zero Waste Box program.

The beauty brand is committed to helping their clientele reduce waste and cultivate wellness through clean beauty and nontoxic living. 

By placing the Zero Waste Box at the entrance to the shop, they aim to help their customers and community members conveniently recycle their beauty empties and reduce their environmental impact. 

The zero waste initiative aligns with their focus to offer customers “support, from purchase to purge.”

Like most plastic packaging, this conventionally unrecyclable waste would have otherwise been landfilled, incinerated, or may have even contributed to the pollution of marine habitats. The collected beauty and skincare packaging from the Zero Waste Boxes will be sent to TerraCycle for recycling where it will be sorted, shredded and recycled into a variety of new products such as park benches, bike racks, shipping pallets and recycling bins. 

TerraCycle created the Zero Waste Box program to provide solutions for difficult-to-recycle waste that cannot be recycled through their brand-sponsored, national recycling programs or via standard municipal recycling. 

Founder of ROOTS Beauty, Laura Linsenmayer believes the partnership with TerraCycle is a great way for her company and her community to be kinder to the earth, saying “When the chaos of the world gets to be too much I gently remind myself to stay present, remain focused on being a healthy human, continue to be of service to my community and treat our magical planet with respect!” 

Visit ROOTS Beauty on Forest Avenue to stock up on clean beauty and our personal favorite bevvy, the fullest’s Saffron Latte.

Listen to LBL’s podcast with ROOTS Beauty here.