Dear 2020, From the LBHS Graduating Class

Laguna Beach High School

2020 has been a year for the books. We will be looking back on this year for decades to come, examining our perseverance, reflecting on our drive, and cherishing the moments that were created when life seemed so fragile.

Starting with the devastating crash that took Kobe Bryant, his daughter, Gianna, and seven other SoCal locals in January, high school students were reminded once again how delicate life is. When faced with COVID-19 and a worldwide pandemic, the graduating class of 2020 saw their school year suddenly cut short — their prom, their final exams, their crushes — paused (or canceled) as the world went into quarantine.

Many used this time to better themselves and their community, coming up with clever ways to lend a hand to those in need. When the Black Lives Matter movement arrived, students didn’t hesitate to grab their masks and take to the streets to make a stand for equality. They used their voices for change and it didn’t matter what color skin they had or where they were headed next year, if you were from Laguna you were part of a team that would be bonded for life.

As everyone branches off to start the next chapter of their lives, Laguna in 2020 will always — always — hold a special place in all of our hearts. You faced this together and came out better for it. Don’t ever forget.


We asked some Laguna Beach High School graduates to share their perspectives on their unique senior year experience. This is what they said…

“I was definitely upset when everything was initially canceled, but in the end, the community came together in such an amazing way and gave all of us seniors the best grad week. I honestly could not have had a better time, and am so appreciative of all the people that put everything together. I genuinely loved high school and will miss my friends, but I think we had a senior year we will never forget!”

— Jessica Berk, headed to University of Florida to study to be an Occupational Therapist with a specialization in children’s mental health and disabilities.

Laguna Beach High School Graduation

“My senior year has been full of many different emotions — not being able to experience your last three months of high school is very hard to process. I’m excited to move across the country and attend NYU this fall, but I’m also anxious to see how life in the next couple of years will play out. There are large changes in our country being advocated for right now and I hope to see these changes put in place so that all of us can have even brighter futures!”

— Elleni Solomon, Neuroscience Major in NYU’s College of Arts and Sciences, studying on the pre-med track.

Laguna Beach High School Graduation
Laguna Beach High School Graduation
Laguna Beach High School Graduation

“Growing up I had always imagined my senior year to look a certain way, which we obviously didn’t get to experience together as a class. However, thanks to the grad committee we have been able to celebrate our accomplishments and create amazing memories that I will cherish forever. I’m so grateful for the Laguna Beach community and the way we were able to come together to make our last week of high school better than I could have ever imagined. Even though I’m sad to be leaving Laguna Beach, I’m excited to see what the future holds.”

— Cirrafina Biele, attending Loyola Marymount University to study communications with a minor in Public Relations.

Laguna Beach High School Graduation
Laguna Beach High School Graduation

“This year will make history, and many of the events have hit very close to home. But each of these life-changing experiences have brought us together even when we were forced to part. Marching together after quarantine we shared in a unique sense of love and community that no ‘normal’ ceremony could have come close to.”

— Luke Gold-Sine, headed to BYU for the Mechanical Engineering/Aerospace program.

Laguna Beach High School Graduation
Laguna Beach High School Graduation

“Although this year was definitely not what my class expected, we displayed resilience and optimism throughout. We lost our last prom, last sport seasons, last performance, last pep assembly, and more — yet, we graduated smiling. The class of 2020 has lived through 200 school shootings, three government shutdowns, and a pandemic before most of us were legal adults. We learned true optimism and the value of empathy. We don’t look at the future scared — rather, we look at the future ready to learn and make an impact. I am so proud of my class and I can’t wait to see what we accomplish.”

— Drew Fink, attending Indiana University Bloomington to study Public Policy and Law.

Laguna Beach High School

Photos courtesy of Laguna Beach photographer, Mary Hurlbut. For more of Mary’s photos of the 2020 Laguna Beach High School grad walk visit here.

Lindsay DeLong

I’m a brand strategist that will help your business establish its online identity, grow your influence, and maintain a sense of order and ease. I specialize in web design, blog management, and long and short form copy.

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