Sharael Kolberg Raises Cancer Awareness by Running Virtually in All 50 States

Sharael Kolberg

Breast cancer survivor and Laguna Beach local, Sharael Kolberg, is on a mission to run 50 miles in 50 days in all 50 states to celebrate her 50th birthday and support breast cancer awareness.

“For my 50th birthday, I wanted to do something BIG,” Kolberg says. “Since I love to travel, I came up with the idea of traveling to all 50 states throughout the year. But still, that didn't seem like enough… I wanted to combine it with giving back.”

“Since I was a runner before I got cancer, I thought it would be a great excuse to get back into running. I would do a one-mile run in each of the 50 states for breast cancer awareness in support of those who are in treatment and are having a hard time just getting out of bed. I’ve literally been in their shoes.”

Kolberg decided to partner with Susan G. Komen to provide resources on detection, diagnosis, and treatment for breast cancer. According to Susan G. Komen, more than 270,000 women and men in the US are expected to be diagnosed with breast cancer this year and more than 42,000 will die. However, with early detection (stage I), survival rates can be 98% or higher.

On a mission, Kolberg started mapping out her journey across the nation. She planned to visit places she’s always wanted to see, picking the cities (or national parks) she wanted to run in and the dates that she would do her runs. 

But then the Coronavirus hit.

“In order to keep others — and myself — safe, traveling was off the table,” Kolberg explains. “So I came up with the idea to partner with one runner in each state to do a run together virtually via Zoom.” 

Kolberg will run one mile in her hometown of Laguna Beach live via Zoom with a person from each of the 50 states — which will total 50 miles. Her journey will begin on Aug. 11, 2020 — her 50th birthday. She is currently looking for people to join her team of runners. To sign up, visit

“In a way, pivoting my plan has had some upsides. It means that I will get to meet someone from each state… even if it is only online,” says Kolberg. “And I’ll get to see their state (virtually) and get a glimpse of where they enjoy running.”

For others who can’t (or don’t want to) run, but would like to support Kolberg’s mission, her runs will be broadcast live via Zoom webinars. Supporters can run along with Kolberg virtually in their own neighborhoods — or from the comfort of their couch — while watching via Zoom. A calendar of when and where her runs will be broadcast live will be posted on

“I’d love to get as many people as possible to sign up to join me virtually to support my cause to help spread breast cancer awareness,” says Kolberg. “I want to give breast cancer patients the hope that they can be in my shoes someday soon – out running again!”


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