Bringing Dream Homes to Life with ATLEE + CO

Atlee + Co Designs

In a world where COVID-19 is still forcing people to stay inside or away from work, DIY and home renovation projects are at an all-time high. From baking exorbitant amounts of bread to tie-dying your clothes to starting a compost bin in your backyard -- there seems to be an endless amount of activities people can pick up in order to pass the time these days.

One of the more time-consuming (and aesthetically pleasing) activities, especially for homeowners, has been interior design. But while it sometimes seems like professional interior design is something that can only be attained in a picture perfect Instagram post by a picture perfect Instagram celeb, Laguna Beach full service interior design firm ATLEE + Co Designs is here to help. 

Founder, Lauren MacDonald, has made it her mission to make beautiful design accessible… to everyone.

“We live in a society of ‘grammable moments and we start to think they’re unattainable,” MacDonald explains. “So, I’m the bridge to that pipe dream.” 

MacDonald realizes that the world of interior design might come off as intimidating or exclusive, so she serves as a support system for clients who are trying to figure out what their “peak chic” looks like, regardless of space or budget. “That means sometimes I’ll have to get a little more creative,” she says with a wink. “But that’s where I thrive.”

Atlee + Co's Lauren MacDonald

By keeping her business a one-woman show (“I’m the CEO and Principal Designer, as well as the blogger, personal assistant, HR, CFO, janitor, etc.” she laughs. “I wear A LOT of hats!”), MacDonald is able to keep her practice authentic, maintaining affordable prices so that she can work with all different types of people on a variety of projects throughout the country.

While today she runs a successful business that she thrives on, she wasn’t always drawn to the design world. While she dabbled in creative projects of her own, the thought of being an interior designer never crossed her mind until she found herself presented with the opportunity to work with one. Originally only supposed to be a short-term gig, MacDonald ended up falling in love with the industry and decided to stay with the firm full-time. “I never looked back,” she recalls. “I felt like I was home in design and loved every part of it -- all the way down to the obnoxious spreadsheets and stressful deadlines.” 

As a creative professional, MacDonald draws inspiration from the world around her, whether that’s while traveling or simply exploring what Laguna Beach has to offer.

“I’m lucky to live in such a beautiful area where I’m constantly finding something new and inspiring that I’ll just need to incorporate into a project,” says MacDonald. She’ll often stroll the streets of downtown Laguna (where she lives) as a reference point for her projects. Most recently, a visit to Stitch and Feather on Forest Avenue had her racing back home to change some design boards she’d been preparing for a client. “I feel like that’s Laguna in a nutshell,” she explains. “You can walk down any street, into any store, or along any beach and find tons of local inspo.” 

Laguna Beach Interior Design Firm, Atlee + Co Designs

And, although COVID-19 has changed how she operates her business on a day-to-day basis, the designer has used this time to meet her clients' needs who are spending more time at home. “All those little things people always tell themselves they’ll eventually get to?” she poses. “Now, people have to live with them every day -- so figuring out how to fix them is becoming more and more of a priority.

And fix them she does. She’s taken on countless projects -- from a completely virtual job based on the East Coast to a brand new home for a young family in Los Angeles. “Every client I’ve had has been so different,” she states. 

“I love working with people who want to have a voice and who don’t want to go cookie cutter. It stretches me and keeps me on my toes!”

For those interested in hiring MacDonald for any design-related needs (she does everything from space planning and architectural detailing to accessorizing and staging), prospective clients can fill out an inquiry form on the ATLEE + CO official website. From there, MacDonald will reach out to set up an initial consultation (via Zoom or phone call) to chat about the project basics and work out a plan to bring your dream space to life.

“I'm very lucky to be in the business of home, because that's where we all have to be right now,” MacDonald smiles. “So why not be in a place we're obsessed with!”

Atlee + Co Laguna Beach

Logan Cross is a writer and dancer based in Los Angeles. Although she loves reading and writing, you’re most likely going to find her re-watching “New Girl” on Netflix or scrolling through her Instagram and Twitter

Photos by Alexa Pilato. Visit her on Instagram at @currentsofcapri or on her website at


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